You attempt to add a custom web part to a webpage fails with this message:
The operation could not be completed because item was removed from the gallery
1. Remove the web part from the web part gallery:
2. Disable and the re-enable the feature containing the web part (at the web or the site collection level) to add the web part back to the gallery.
Thanks. The fix helped me.
Helped me too. Thanks
I have removed the webpart frm webaprt gallery and not it not available in features also. But still im getting the error
Have you also done the second step?
"2. Disable and the re-enable the feature containing the web part (at the web or the site collection level) to add the web part back to the gallery."
it worked.. thanks
Thanks! worked for me.
I have removed the web part. and inactivate the feature. Still i am having the same problem?
Is it possible that you have two "broken" web parts?
Thanks for the fix.
I am experiencing this issue for any web part I try to add. Is there a known fix to correct this issue for all web parts?
if i delete the webpart from the gallery, wont it affect the other sites using this web part..? if yes, advice on how to do the step provided in you site for fixing the error
@Dreamer: If I remember correctly a cached copy of the webpart is created when you add it to the page; If this is true, the broken webpart should be removed from the gallery because it is ... broken. You should do some testing to validate that what I just stated is true.