You want to retract a solution already deployed to SharePoint. Normally you would use Visual Studio (r-click retract) for this but you don't have Visual Studio installed on the SharePoint server.
PowerShell Script:
$webUrl = "http://site:port" $wspFileName = "myOldSolution.wsp" function WaitForJobToFinish([string]$solutionName) { $JobName = "*$solutionName*" $job = Get-SPTimerJob | ?{ $_.Name -like $JobName } if ($job -eq $null) { Write-Host 'Timer job not found' } else { Write-Host -NoNewLine "Waiting to finish job $JobFullName" $JobFullName = $job.Name while ((Get-SPTimerJob $JobFullName) -ne $null) { Write-Host -NoNewLine . Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Write-Host "done" } } # Add SharePoint Snapin Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -erroraction SilentlyContinue $webApp = Get-SPWebApplication $webUrl $solution=Get-SPSolution -Identity $wspFileName -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue # Check whether the solution exists in the Solutions Store. if ($solution -ne $null) { # Check whether the solution is already deployed. if ($solution.Deployed) { write-Host "Retracting" $solution.Name -ForegroundColor Yellow if ($solution.ContainsWebApplicationResource) { Uninstall-SPSolution -identity $solution.Name -allwebapplication -confirm:$false } else { Uninstall-SPSolution -identity $solution.Name -confirm:$false } WaitForJobToFinish $solution.Name } # Remove solution from store. Write-Host "Removing" $solution.Name -ForegroundColor Yellow Remove-SPSolution –Identity $solution.Name -confirm:$false }